​Who is invited?  - You and your canine companion 

When?  - noon

Where?  - Community Centre, back grassy area

Cost is a $10.00 (US) suggested donation per dog - (all funds go to PAWS)

You get some useful swag for your donation, and your dog will be awarded a high quality prize.

Bring extra $ and buy tickets on some nice raffle prizes - Dremel nail trimmer tool, bamboo food/water bowl stand, even something cool for your cat!

Donations of items for additional raffle prizes gratefully accepted, and volunteers welcome.

Please contact Fran at the following email address with questions, to volunteer, or for additional information:  paws-interface@pointroberts.net

Get Your Point Roberts Merch!

We learned to laugh a little more during the shut down, and this new line of clothing and home items are just a little salty! 

Clothing, dishes, blankets and hats with more items coming soon. 

Point Roberts Eagle themed items too... 

Unique, exclusive themed items help support Point Roberts Now operations. 

Community Sponsors

Call or Text 360.303.7368

Thank you Community Sponsors for your year-round support of Point Roberts. Our work together to provide information to visitors and potential residents is vital to the long-term success of our community.
