4th of July Parade
Starting at noon, July 4th at Breakers and going from Gulf to Tyee and ending at the Marina overflow parking lot.
This year's theme is "Small Town, Big Heart" - the parade is sponsored and organized by the Queen of Clean, Ken Calder Construction and other community volunteers.

Join the Fourth of July Parade!
Businesses, community groups, classic cars, everyone is welcome to join.
Get together with your neighbors and create a float! 
Small Town Big Heart is about community.
Let's make this a Indepen-dance party!

Want to be IN the parade? All you need is a filled out application and a way to move!

Parade Application

PREP Annual Pancake Breakfast
8 am -11:00 am
At the Point Roberts Community Center
For more information prepgroup17@gmail.com.
Park District website, prparkandrec.org

Flag Raising Ceremony
11:15 am
July 4th at the Community Center

Library and Community Center

Fourth of July Celebration at the Point Roberts Marina

Free Concert and BBQ
starting July 4th after the Parade 

If you’re a Canadian and don’t want to be actually IN Canada celebrating the Canada Day, big day of family activities at the Point Roberts Marina.

Get Your Point Roberts Merch!

We learned to laugh a little more during the shut down, and this new line of clothing and home items are just a little salty! 

Clothing, dishes, blankets and hats with more items coming soon. 

Point Roberts Eagle themed items too... 

Unique, exclusive themed items help support Point Roberts Now operations. 

Community Sponsors

Call or Text 360.303.7368

Thank you Community Sponsors for your year-round support of Point Roberts. Our work together to provide information to visitors and potential residents is vital to the long-term success of our community.
