There are a wide variety of properties in Point Roberts, WA – undeveloped lots in wooded areas and some with ocean views, existing homes old and new, modular homes, custom built homes and upcoming new developments around the golf course and on the Southern Shores.
Price range from homes varies depending on location, size of lot, type of home and view, but almost every place you might want to live in Point Roberts is quiet, serene and beautiful.

Working with an experienced, local realtor is important in Point Roberts. There are special regulations for property development due to environmental and historical zone permit requirements. In addition, if you are a Canadian citizen (60% of our homes are part time residences of Canadians) making sure you understand the time restrictions and requirements for having an additional property can save some complications. Dual citizens and American citizens don’t have any trouble purchasing property, but living in Point Roberts requires being able to travel in and out of Canada by land and you must have a valid passport and no DUI or even misdemeanor convictions.

See Border Crossing Info for additional links

Get Your Point Roberts Merch!

We learned to laugh a little more during the shut down, and this new line of clothing and home items are just a little salty! 

Clothing, dishes, blankets and hats with more items coming soon. 

Point Roberts Eagle themed items too... 

Unique, exclusive themed items help support Point Roberts Now operations. 

Community Sponsors

Call or Text 360.303.7368

Thank you Community Sponsors for your year-round support of Point Roberts. Our work together to provide information to visitors and potential residents is vital to the long-term success of our community.
