July 15th, 2018 - 10 am to 4 pm
8 Beautiful Gardens
Self-Guided Tour
Afternoon Tea and Live Music

About The Tour
The tour, which is self-guided, will take place between 10 am and 4 pm. A map and entry to the gardens are part of the ticket package, and the tour includes a stop for afternoon tea and live music from 1 pm to 4 pm at the Point Roberts Community Center on Gulf Road.
Eight Beautiful Gardens
This year, there will be eight unique gardens to visit. From a beach side garden oasis to a hillside gem to a garden which offers a range of Chilean plants to a study in structure, color and contrast, the gardens reflect the devotion and unique vision of each owner.
An award-winning jewelry designer has applied her talents in creating a series of “garden rooms” nestled in a forest setting. A quilter has used a quilter's eye and a geometric approach to the plantings and paths. A 4.5-acre property uses over 100 camellias and rhododendrons and 150 year-old Japanese maples as separation from the barns and turnout areas for their Peruvian Paso horses.

Ticket prices are C$20 or US$15 per person and will be available July 1 at Nielson's Home Building Center and Auntie Pam's Country Store in Point Roberts, Harris Nurseryland and the Blue Door Interiors in Ladner, BC and Flowers Beautiful in Tsawwassen, BC.
Visitors are reminded that a passport or enhanced driver's license is required to cross the border.
Tickets will also be available the day of the tour up to 2 pm at the corner of Tyee Drive and McKenzie Way, about a block after crossing the border.
No tickets will be sold after 2 pm in order to give visitors enough time to tour the gardens.
Ticket packages include a map of Point Roberts clearly marked with the locations of the gardens on the tour, the afternoon tea and restaurants for those who wish to have lunch.
More information is available on the Point Roberts Garden Club's website:
pointrobertsgardenclub.org and on its Facebook page.