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Address of regular meetings

This page is incomplete

We've invited the group to update this information, but haven't received it yet. Please mention it to them when you visit so we can improve our tourist and resident resources.

Groups can also send in events and we will post them on the site and send them out on the Point Roberts Now facebook page and Twitter.

This group meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 am

The Purpose of This Group Is: Group walking for Seniors and other community members for health and fun.

Cost to be a member:

Activities: Walking around Point Roberts and having fun with other Wackie Walkers

This group was established in

Get Your Point Roberts Merch!

We learned to laugh a little more during the shut down, and this new line of clothing and home items are just a little salty! 

Clothing, dishes, blankets and hats with more items coming soon. 

Point Roberts Eagle themed items too... 

Unique, exclusive themed items help support Point Roberts Now operations. 

Community Sponsors

Call or Text 360.303.7368

Thank you Community Sponsors for your year-round support of Point Roberts. Our work together to provide information to visitors and potential residents is vital to the long-term success of our community.
