In the quest to be seen as tolerant and generous, many cities are designating themselves as “sanctuary cities”.
Even Bellingham, WA has taken a public stand welcoming undocumented and illegal immigrants. “The Council passed an ordinance Monday night that says police will not ask about citizenship status, but it stops short of labeling Bellingham a “sanctuary city.”
Point Roberts won’t be a sanctuary city for several reasons:
- We are an unincorporated zone with a postal code, but no city status. Whatcom County presides over our community and law enforcement is provided by the Whatcom County sheriff’s department.
- The rules of being in a border zone and the promise of Bill Elfo, Whatcom County Sheriff to cooperate with the FBI and other law enforcement.
“With the presence of our international border and critical infrastructure as well as other vulnerabilities, it is essential that the sheriff’s office continue its outstanding relationship with our federal law enforcement partners. The professionals at the various federal law enforcement agencies within Whatcom County provide a high degree of support that helps keep our community safe”. - Properties that might be ideal sites for illegal immigrants to inhabit have been photographed and reported to the County. The vigilant citizens supporting the Point Roberts Character Plan will no doubt continue to keep an eye on these areas. At the most recent PRCAC meeting a fuss was made about how “in October, the county issued 25 violation notices to property owners who had prohibited structures such as yurts or recreational vehicles on their property”.
The good news? Point Roberts won’t be putting it’s Federal funding at risk. Do we even get any Federal funding?