This is a copy of the US Department of Agriculture brochure that is available in hardcopy up at the border. This is a very important document for Point Roberts residents and visitors.

Click Here for downloadable list of the most recent version (updated 6.2017, document from 2015)

Please note this is the most recent version with a publish date of August 2015 and from time to time changes could be made that are NOT reflected in this brochure. This brochure also does not reflect some of the Point Roberts special memos we have on prohibited items such as firewood.

Please use this document as a general guideline for what fresh foods you may bring into the Point; and always, always declare your fresh food items. By declaring upfront, at worst you will have something confiscated, but at least it won’t be your Nexus!fruit in baskets

For specific questions about what foods may and may not enter you can call a USDA specialist at the Peace Arch or Pacific Highway and those numbers are included on the last page of the brochure.

Also note that this brochure does not pertain to what can go into Canada from Point Roberts and for this there are separate rules to follow.

Thank you Sonya Liu for sharing this information.

Note: If you purchase produce items in Bellingham (or other places on the US mainland side), you can bring them through as long as you have receipts proving they were purchased in the US. From time to time, some border agents don’t honor this, but usually it is fine. This does NOT hold true if you are coming in via NEXUS. Their policy is that any item – like citrus, avocados, lamb – that would require an examination for proof of origin, should not be brought through. If you have these or other items, go through the regular lanes and declare them.

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